Gluten free home beer brew packs malted millet, rice and buckwheat

Collection: Brew Packs

You asked for it, we're delivering.

In response to growing demand, TWØBAYS Brewing Co has teamed up with The Gluten Free Brewer to bring you gluten free home brew packs containing the malts you need to make safe and delicious beer at home.

The Gluten Free Brewer has shared some fantastic recipes (All-Grain and Partial Mash) for you to brew with.

Click on any product below to download a PDF with the recipe, procedure, colour, bitterness and ABV for each.

Please note, we only provide malted millet, rice and buckwheat. You will have to source hops, yeast, syrups, sorghum, raw millet and any other ingredients elsewhere.

Please contact The Gluten Free Brewer with any brew-related questions.

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14 products